Gleanings Radio Show ::: A multi-genre musical fused stew


Gleanings is……….Multi – genre musical gleanings. A little bit folky, a little bit rocky, a little bit punky & funky. Focusing on buried treasures, independent musicians, live tracks, outtakes, interviews and the phase of the moon. 1 1/2 hour show.”

Tuesdays: 8 PM – 9:30 PM on KLOI 102.9 LPFM – (LIVE)
Wednesday: 8 AM – 9:30 AM (RERUN)

Playlists: Gleanings Playlists

Contact: To send submissions or inquiries about airplay please send me an email.

Tuesdays sporadically: 9:30 – 10:30 PM on KLOI 102.9 LPFM

Dead Air Gypsies: Spontaneous & sporadically scheduled revolving raggle taggle cast of characters who say about their act, “We’re an act, who is getting our act together. ” Live theatre. Call in show. Social commentary mixed with great music and some live interviews! Be there!